Saturday, 2 July 2011



A Tale of lies, spies, cries,
fights, blights and:
A Warrior who Knew nothing
A Thief Who knew too much and
A Sorcerer who Knew just about enough
and also that tombac is not gold Dumbwit!


The Almighty Copperlion dragged on his chains, the sunny disc onto the skies from behind the Gerrlah Mountains. While the Goddess of Dusk, Eosia streeched her arms in awake and a warmhearted smile, scaring off her twin sister - Noxia the Evil and Deluding Goddess of Night and dispare who was very annoyed by her sibling. Thus the Copperlion brought his heavy burden to the sixth hour of the morning, lighting the planes of Calvindor followed by a storming wind of Metalzabian, the Trickster God who blows a lot and brings boons of gamble to people who worship him, with his stronger brother Hurracanois they rule the Midair Kingdom. As the sunny discs rays caressed the wine grapes in Yohi's Garden, Master Yohi was sweeping the porch of his dojo. It is then when he was awaiting his guest, a long time friend and brother in arm's son, who he saw almost 23 years ago at Lake Tahatsu were the friend had his homestead and a piece of land. Yohi put away the broom and sat down on the step of his stairway. He pulled out a small pouch with Black Vannila and took a pinch which he put in his mouth and started chewing on it.
A grasshopper jumped on Yohi's foot. The Master looked at it for a firm moment and picked him up slowly. He glanced it throughly and took it inside of his dojo. Meanwhile the Sun Disc was already at the ninth hour position on the sky. In this peak time of the morning, with environment freshly woken up and living its best, a young traveler with his battle cat climbed up the King’s road, paved with granite stones from the Royale Quarry near the river Saltia, there he stopped at the Water Shrine to refill his supplies. Little that the adventurer knew that the *Mallman that was crossing the road on his Bondobike missed his breaks check on the 3rd of Mab three months ago, and is riding towards destiny…

*Mallman - A common term for little humanoids which resemble a short rotund human. They are usually not taller than at the waist of an average man and of a brightly orange complexion, their hair are often thick and bushy, same as their eybrows and facial hair. In addition, Mallman are good at tinkering on any kind of mechanisms, there is a well known example of a mallman by the name Bulko, who managed to use his knowledge of “Telefont” technology and “hicking” in gaining access to the Palantor network, all free of charge. Saddly this great effort was later turned in vain when his neighbour Mr. Hatchly reported Bulko to the authorities...


Hello, here is the beginning of my old story (the prototype was written around 2007) that I have edited slightly and it was revised by Reese Mills for the purpose of corrections. Also there is Chapter one for this, which will be posted tomorrow if everything works out.

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