Sunday, 7 October 2012

Refreshing news, game design, a year long journey

Hello and greetings everyone,

Pardon me the long wait, fortunately, as life teaches us taking a break from things gives new insights leading  us into the Journey down deep into the misty lands of our interior workings. So what has happend over the year wait? Quite a lot and not all that much actually. I managed to work on quite a few designs (practice makes perfect!) written some scripts, done even more writing, good exercises in general, tried some software (Unity Game Engine, RPG Game Maker, Game Maker Studio, Unreal Development Kit) just touched upon the surface for now but it was good to take a look at those. Picking the right engine can be a challenge. Having experience with Runic Games Torchlight TorchED was a real blessing, if memory serves me right the graphics used Ogre3D. A quick google search reveals it was OGRE, while the site being Ogre3d. Coming back to Torchlight's modding might be a good idea, since it's simple.

Well as for more news, Rocket Shark Studios is what the guys from uni been working on, a cool idea, seeing  things moving is definitely a good sign, it is still the beginning but they are sure on their way to greatness. Reasonable optimism is good. Having a rocket in your shark is better. So let us give them a big welcome on the scene.

So what else is there? I have been researching various subject, some history, philosophy, architecture, personas of the past ages, sociological ideas, militaria, fortifications, art, game industry news, new game releases, and more. To keep it short this time, I will just add that in I will keep posting here, don't know the frequency of the said posts, but surely will put more emphesis on this.

Regarding project RLR it is waiting to gain more brawn, but is not forgotten, may undergo changes. Will surely develop more on it, giving things time never hurt, then again let's not forget about vaporeware, it does exist, you just don't see it.

A big thanks to all who have been visiting and keep on checking, it really counts, and you are great people.

Hold on guys, the best is yet to come.

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