Saturday, 13 October 2012

About XCOM, Animation, Script and Rocketshark Studios

Hey again,

A brief update. So I have been working a little more on the scripts, testing a new video game, XCOM Enemy Unknown the remake (and loving it) and have recieved an audio of an earlier work. It's been edited by Mike of Rocket Shark Studios, recordered by a talented voice actor, sounds really nice, loved that too.

Moving on, Rocket Shark Studios site is this it is still a fresh site, and some work is being done, refreshing might help if problems occur, always welcome to check.

Coming back to XCOM, really neat game, Firaxis done a good work on it, although I played some of the very old XCOM and the newer ones, can't really compare to the original, did play Laser Squad that was a fun and fantastic title, even though back then it felt tough being unforgiving, it did draw me into the game, immersive stuff indeed. I suppose, because of its complexity with lack of troubling boredom it did engage me quite a lot. That or I was EXTREMLY resiliant to failure heh. Reminds me the rocket launcher buldozzered a heck of a lot area heh. Enough nostalgia though, so next up I will be working further on scripts, some tinkering on game making software, provided I dig into the thing deep enough and drawing new pictures would be beneficial.

That wraps up the subjects with a tad more than the title suggests, hope to post again soon, until then, keep your eyes open for more of the good stuff.

Thanks for reading see you soon.

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