Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Special Announcement: Projects, work and quest for Glory!

Greetings, I know I haven't updated for a long time, but since uni started I had to deal with it. I am stll working on the "Astrofantasy" project but now the focus is on the artistic part. Main objective is to draw The Prince of Shadows and that will be the next updated as soon as I will manage to take care of it.

As for uni news, I am currently drawing 10 avatars of Vishnu for Drawing And Composition 3 module, but I try not to make them as obvious, so I experiment with different approaches. The second thing, which I should mention FIRST is the group project called ATTICA for now I'll only say its an Action Adventure game made in UDK (Unreal Development Kit) being the group leader and lead designer I covered the story part and concept (to a certain degree). I can tell you its steampunk, we are thinking on going commercial with it (seems people are really looking up to it). I will ask permission of my co-workers on revealing more about the project, for now the status for it is 'Under construction/Work In Progress' and since its just the design stage for now (although we already got the camera for it and few other things made in UDK) its still the beginning, a whole lot more ahead of us. The team has 8 members and though it seems barely enough our aim for the uni work is one level minimum. The story however is ready for a full scale game, according to others it is promissing and that is why we'd like to make it a full fledged game.

I'd like to thank you all for visiting the site, you sure make it worth my while to keep it alive, thats why I'm 'reopening the business'. My only concern is not to dull you with useless content and meaningless chatter, that is why I'm not updating Bonesawcommodities on regular basis. In any case thanks again and stay tuned!

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