Sunday, 7 November 2010

Few things about 'Attica' the game

Hi, finally I gained the approval of the team to shed some light on our project. Attica, the action adventure game in steampunk setting, made in Uneal Development Kit has finally has been equiped with game mechanics. We settled for a minimum of 15 game mechanics among which are as common as enemy alertness (we have our own concept of it, so its not a run of the mill type), two different climbing mechanics and different types of vision to mention a few for now. Its a testing stage but it seems the ones we have are 'doable' in our case. Among items, a spear gun combined with a grappling hook, lock picks, grenades (missions are also carried out outdoors), C4 charges (which relates to another thing we plan to implement) a bowie knife, some relic guns and a few more. As for the game story and characters, the bios for Alastor, Engineer and Baron are ready the latest being the Baron's (Just finished typing it). So we got Alastor Grimgnaw the mercenary and games protagonist who needs to rescue the Engineer from a prison in the Mountains and deliever him to the Baron. The Engineer has the scientific knowlede which would turn the odds between the forces in the games universum. I think this is enough for this post so I hope you enjoy it as just as "few things about the game..." thank you for your attention and stay tuned!

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