Saturday, 4 September 2010

News Alert! Bonesaw commodities with a come back!

Welcome! Excuse my lack of posting, recently I've been busy with 'the project' and well I'm trying to resolve few matters related to design. Since I believe in 'quality first!' I don't want to release a mediocre product. Although I can tell you what I am working on, its a coloured version of Egyptian Gothess (Labores Somnium) and ... hmm should I tell? Ah, ok I will, the second work is a sketch of Lady Winterstream. Its taking me a lot cause both works are of prime importance to me, the need of perfection is too strong, heh. Also I'm having a break from writing with... more writing, yes! I am working on few written things, mostly concepts and trying not to start any new. Only thing is I picked up a game design idea, took a part of it, explored, exploited it and made it anew! So there it is. All I can say is that it is in some respect similar to Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. Although only in some degree, it also borrows from a certain event in the original Fallout 1 game. And the rest well.The setting, in original I was thinking of Postnuclear time but I may change it into something different. Like the good old Dark Fantasy. Hmm. Maybe something with a Western look? Time will tell. For now I leave you with the (working) title: 'Postman'. Have fun on figuring out whats it about, he, he.

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