Tuesday 3 August 2010

NEW STORY ALERT!: "Morgaine Wade & Bilko Kid" a quasi-western story!!!

Hello there and welcome to Bonesaw commodities! I apologise for the delay, will try to keep up to date! Here is a new story, first part of it called "Morgaine Wade & bilko Kid", its a western type of story, please do enjoy it while you read it, comments are very, very welcome! Even if they only say "Good" so without further ado, the story of a Ranger called Morgaine Wade!:

Morgaine Wade & Bilko Kid

'ANARCHIE VILLE POP. 51' Morgaine noticed it while passing the 'not so big' sign stack at the entrance to the small community town. With a bundle on a short pole and a leather pouch bag on his back he entered the premise and aproached the town greeter. 
'Greetingzz fellow traveler, how *hic* may I be of service to YOU on this fine fine, Anarchie Ville night?
 Morgaine shown a sour smile. 
- I'm looking for work... -Hmm... work, you saaaay....hmmmm...*hic* well you could try the 'BARISTA' saloon, or 'Der Hund' workshop. BARISTA belongs to a gentleman called Rosse, the other men goes by the name Fleischer, but I wouldn't trust them both, there is baaad blood between these two. Hm,..  I guess I'm not much of a help hie hie *hic*... oh, right. You can try with Sheriff Berrie, he is looking for a new deputy. 
 "What can you tell me about Fleischer?"
 "Not much worth saying, a man of german decent, he settled here 12 years ago, he leads the town workshop. On one hot summer night, when we were drinking good ol' moonshine, he told me that he was a gunsmith but he lost his license after 'an accident. 
"Accident huh? 
"Yes. "Accidently" he shot a man who was cheating on his sister, after that he went "underground. Thats all I can say.
 "Is Fleischer his real name? or is it an alias? 
"Oh I bet its an alias but... oh, look at the time, need to go. Take care friend, was nice chatting to you,... by  heavens! I didn't caught your name.  
 "Ah, and I am Bernard, but people call me Bernie."
Morgaine noded.  
"Well I'll be off now! Where did I put my "medicine? *hic*"

The road was broad, Morgaine went straight to the 'BARISTA'. The transition between the bright outside and dark saloon, with a red tint from the lights gave it a brothel look. And indeed, whores were everywhere around. Morgaine took two steps before being stoped by a large construction worker.
"Turn around and walk away, we don't need the likes of you."
"Your tatto."
"What about it?"
"You're one *them*"
Morgaine pushed him back
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"GET 'EM!"
First punch was unexpected, Morgaine evaded it only by a fools luck. He Kicked the worker in the crotch and slammed him behind the neck with his travelers pole. Two other workers jumped at him with fists, one hit him in the chest the other missed by a hair. 
"You need more than that to put me down"
He whispered. With three jabs he put down both of them, while the large worker was rolling on the ground in pain.
"AWRIGHT!! ENOUGH!" yelled the man behind Morgaine. "You come with me boy. There will be none of this. And you Clemense, get out of here, I said NOW!"
"You're lucky, that Berrie got here before we smeard that smirk out of your face..."
Morgaine winked to him.
"Whenever you want son" he said
"Awright, I'll take you to the cooler, where you can annoy Bilko Kid"
Sheriff coughed him and took to his office.

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